Word v Meaning

Math is a revealed truth.

That was a statement that I read recently with a sense of shock and awe.

The mechanics of math are simply waiting to be discovered and they do not change from one country to another nor one century to another.

There’s something beautiful about that, and I wish I had a talent for math.

However, I believe I do have a talent for words, but to know that time and space will diminish their accessibility is a disappointment.

A word and its meaning are often only loosely associated over time. The spelling can change as often as the definition. We can usually only understand a word in context with its use in a sentence, and more largely in the situation it is applied.

I need to correct a word from my sci-fi story in “Science Fiction v Conspiracy Theory”. I stated that “they directed a meteor at the planet”, when a meteor is actually an asteroid until it has entered the atmosphere.

For those who noticed this error, you were able to comprehend my meaning despite the word being wrong.

Here are some words that on face value seem simple enough, but their meanings verge on the nefarious.

Entertainment= Drawn in and held. It is similar to being detained. The difference being that if you are entertained, it is probably by choice and you are free to go at will.

Unless perhaps you are enthralled.

Enthralled= Enslaved. A thrall was a slave to a Viking. The main difference being that Vikings usually freed their slaves after a couple of years or allowed them to buy their freedom if they were able.

Most people have been enchanted.

Enchanted= Thrilled by a chant. This happens regularly at concerts and sporting events.

However, the term is most often used to describe a magic spell. Have you ever been spellbound?

We don’t typically associate magic with our everyday lives. But isn’t life itself a magical mystery?

Wonderful= Makes you question.

Does being surrounded by magic every day make you too tired to keep wondering about it?

Amazement= Lost in a maze. A short maze is a kind of game. If you’re lost in life’s maze for too long it becomes your home and you give up all hope of finding your way out.

Wouldn’t that be fantastic?

Yes, unfortunately it would.

Fantasy= Something imaginary or illusory. Like the life you are leading while you are amazed.

You would probably feel better if you sat for a while and watched a TV program.

Program= To train to behave in a predetermined way.

Do you find this all fascinating?

Fascination= World is a spell

There’s that word “spell” again. What does that mean?

It’s an old word and it has more than one meaning.

Early uses meant simply to talk, tell, speak, recite, or say aloud.

It was around 800 years ago that it became associated with magic. A magic spell was an incantation, a chant, which achieved a desired outcome. The spell had to be sung in the right order with the proper pronunciation to work.

Secondly, there is the little used meaning of “spell” where one person takes over the work of another. You spell them so they can take a break.

That reminds me of the old Disney program “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” where Mickey Mouse decides to use magic to do his work for him, but things quickly get out of control.

The third definition of “spell” is what you learned as a child. To spell the words you wanted to use so you could write them down. To learn to spell you sang your ABCs. You had to sing them in the right order with the proper pronunciation for them to work properly.


So, are words some form of sorcery?

We are replacing a real thing with a sound and then replacing the sound with a series of letters that guide the mind back to the original subject.

Once initiated into the letters a writer can conjure lives and worlds both real and imagined. Or, detail the contents of one’s thoughts.

Math might be true and pure but we don’t navigate the everyday world with it; though it might be able to solve our problem with amazement.

In the everyday world we have had to invent language to name things, describe ideas, and preserve our history.

These are important tasks towards facilitating society.

Unfortunately, words can describe utter works of fiction where facts are required. And, while an error in calculation can be found and easily fixed in math, words can lie forever.

And so, I doubt my talent with words.

I desire truth and the words that conjure it into reality.

In a physical world actions are truer than words.

In a physical world inaction is a form of action.

In a physical world the meaning of words can describe the meaning of life.

Meaning is what words draw into you.

Meaning is what life draws out of you.